A while ago I was asked to contribute a painting to this amazing project known as "Heartwork." Heartwork is a project designed to raise money for art supplies within the art room at the Target House (a wonderful home-away-from-home for the families of children facing long-term treatment at St. Jude® Children's Research Hospital.) Every year, a group of artists will create a series of posters to raise money for the art room. Each of the posters will feature a different interpretation of the St. Jude Target House elephant mascot, chosen because it represents family, long life, strength and playfulness—attributes with special meaning at a place designed for families to live, play and heal.
If you want to learn more about the Target House, click HERE
If you want to purchase one of the many Heartwork Prints to help support this cause, click HERE
My contribution to the project is shown above, and should be available for purchase on the website sometime soon.