Here is a piece I recently did for "Art Blocks for Ghana." Presented by The Picture Book Project Foundation and The Hopkins Foundation, "Art Blocks For Ghana" is a Charity Art Auction Created by the Top Artists in the Animation and Illustration Community to help build a Children's Home in Ghana. Below is a little more info about the Picture Book Project:
The Picture Book Project Foundation is a 501 c3 non-profit organization that gives artists and art enthusiasts a way to help and inspire children in need. Our mission is to bring continued resources and support to orphaned and underserved children around the world, while extending the talent and good will of the artist community to communities of children in need. see www.picturebookproject.com for more info.The theme for this particular art auction was "Home." I've always loved the fact that Trolls supposedly live under bridges, so in keeping with the theme, I thought I'd paint up a little Troll home.
If you wanna check out the rest of the Art Blocks that have been painted for this charity art auction, check out the
BLOG showcasing all the artwork that's been created so far.
Under The Bridge
6" x 6"
Acrylic & Paper Collage