So we now have a date for our Ancient Book of Myth and War gallery show, it's gonna be Saturday March 24th at Gallery Nucleus down in LA and will most likely be in the evening, and as soon as I hear of the exact time the show will start I'll post it. There is also some talk of us having a workshop the next day (sunday) at the same place, where we would be explaining our methods of working. Don Shank, Lou Romano, Scott Morse, and Ricky Nierva are absolutly amazing artists so if this happens you should check out how they work their magic.
As for the art in this post, here is a little glimpse at my final piece for the Ancient Book of Myth and War. It's a painting of Venus, the goddess of love and beauty and arguably the finest stone cold fox in ancient times. Anyways, there is much much more to this painting, however I didn't want to show everything before the book came out, so here is a little close up detail on venus and her crazy hair doo!